Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Apr 22, 2022): Negrosanons, oppose militarization and demand justice for the victims of the US-Duterte regime!
Bayani Obrero
NDF-Negros Island
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
April 22, 2022
Since the bloody Oplan Sauron in 2018, Negros has become the lab rat of state terrorism. The AFP, through the enabling of the monster Duterte, has openly defended and justified their crimes and have become butchers for their commander-in-chief.
For the first quarter of 2022 alone, 31 cases of human rights violations victimizing 280 peasants and farm workers were documented in 6 barangays and 18 sitios in 2 towns and 1 city of Central Negros. The most prevalent of these cases include forcible entry and illegal search, assault, intimidation and coercion, murder, arson, hamletting, military occupation of civilian houses and places of worship, destruction and divestment of property among others.
But these are only the tip of the iceberg considering that data on rights abuses from other parts of Negros are yet to be accounted for. Moreover, significant number of cases remain undocumented, unreported or uncollated.
The butchers are even treating their crimes as achievements through awarding the perpetrators, and prattle about ‘neutralizing’ Red fighters when in fact these are mostly civilians and hors de combat. Most recently, their script has revolved around their victims as ‘left behind by comrades’ despite being all by their own and the AFP as providing them with a ‘decent burial’, like this bare minimum of an act is enough to cover-up their crimes. Or they resort to cheap and downright illogical tricks such as planting of recycled and fake evidence like bullets but not a gun.
State terrorism has been emboldened by Duterte’s ambition to stay in power. As such, they are using their might to red-tag, harass, illegally arrest, and kill anyone who is opposed to such aims. There is no more distinction between civilians, hors de combat, and fighters, so long as Duterte can achieve his end goal of railroading himself or his allies to lord over the people.
With this, the NDF calls on its member organizations, patriotic and progressive sectors, politicians and their supporters in the opposition, human rights workers and their institutions, and the entire Filipino people, to collectively assert and denounce the heightened militarization in Negros and demand for justice for the victims of the AFP/PNP/NTF-ELCAC combine and the entire US-Duterte regime.
Furthermore, it calls on the aforementioned to remain keen on the maneuvers of the regime to deprive the people of their right to suffrage. Even after the elections, we must take to the streets and continue to demand for our rights. ###
Since the bloody Oplan Sauron in 2018, Negros has become the lab rat of state terrorism. The AFP, through the enabling of the monster Duterte, has openly defended and justified their crimes and have become butchers for their commander-in-chief.
For the first quarter of 2022 alone, 31 cases of human rights violations victimizing 280 peasants and farm workers were documented in 6 barangays and 18 sitios in 2 towns and 1 city of Central Negros. The most prevalent of these cases include forcible entry and illegal search, assault, intimidation and coercion, murder, arson, hamletting, military occupation of civilian houses and places of worship, destruction and divestment of property among others.
But these are only the tip of the iceberg considering that data on rights abuses from other parts of Negros are yet to be accounted for. Moreover, significant number of cases remain undocumented, unreported or uncollated.
The butchers are even treating their crimes as achievements through awarding the perpetrators, and prattle about ‘neutralizing’ Red fighters when in fact these are mostly civilians and hors de combat. Most recently, their script has revolved around their victims as ‘left behind by comrades’ despite being all by their own and the AFP as providing them with a ‘decent burial’, like this bare minimum of an act is enough to cover-up their crimes. Or they resort to cheap and downright illogical tricks such as planting of recycled and fake evidence like bullets but not a gun.
State terrorism has been emboldened by Duterte’s ambition to stay in power. As such, they are using their might to red-tag, harass, illegally arrest, and kill anyone who is opposed to such aims. There is no more distinction between civilians, hors de combat, and fighters, so long as Duterte can achieve his end goal of railroading himself or his allies to lord over the people.
With this, the NDF calls on its member organizations, patriotic and progressive sectors, politicians and their supporters in the opposition, human rights workers and their institutions, and the entire Filipino people, to collectively assert and denounce the heightened militarization in Negros and demand for justice for the victims of the AFP/PNP/NTF-ELCAC combine and the entire US-Duterte regime.
Furthermore, it calls on the aforementioned to remain keen on the maneuvers of the regime to deprive the people of their right to suffrage. Even after the elections, we must take to the streets and continue to demand for our rights. ###