From the MILF Website (Sep 11): BDA hosts Donors’ Forum for “Bangsamoro Development Plan” formulation
The Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) conducted a Donors’ Forum for the formulation of comprehensive Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP) at the Conference Center of Asian Institute of Management in Makati City on September 3, 2013.
The Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) conducted a Donors’ Forum for the formulation of comprehensive Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP) at the Conference Center of Asian Institute of Management in Makati City on September 3, 2013.
The activity was aimed at discussing the Concept Note on the Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP) and explore areas for collaboration and partnerships with various development partners.
International agencies present were the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), European Union (EU), Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), United States Agency for International Aid (USAID), Embassy of Japan, The World Bank, a team from United Nations-Philippines and other institutions.
Present at the forum from the BDA Team were Chairman of the Board of Directors (BoD) Dr. Saffrullah Dipatuan, BoD Member Abdulkadir Abdullah, Executive Director Sheikh Mohamad S. Yacob and Engr. Windel Diangcalan, Program Head of BDP Project.
In his opening remarks, Dipatuan said, “The formulation of a Bangsamoro Comprehensive Development Plan has been a top priority of BDA, as MILF’s development arm, since it was created in 2002 as a product of the GPH-MILF Peace process.”
He added that the creation of BDP has the blessing of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front Chair Al Haj Murad Ibrahim who directed BDA to coordinate with donor and funding partners, to conduct needs assessment in the Bangsamoro immediately, and to expedite the completion of the formulation of the BDP.
Dipatuan related that BDA held series of meetings and worked with eager partners to prepare concept note.
He cited the important inputs contributed by the Members of the BDP Project Steering Committee, BDA Technical Advisers and BDA nominated members of the Advisory Council for the production of Concept Note.
Diangcalan, explained, “Given the gaps in development plans, there is a need for a comprehensive development plan which will provide short term to long-term vision and strategy in the recovery and development of the Bangsamoro areas.”
In a press statement initially released by BDA, the agency said,” The primary thrust of BDP is Peace and Institution Building to create citizens security, social justice and jobs for “Sustainable Human Development (SHD).”
Unlike the usual traditional planning based on concerns by different sectors, BDP will be different, given the conflict situation that has been affecting the Bangsamoro communities.
The formulation of the Plan is guided by the BDA framework of Sustainable Human Development and Peacebuilding, which is a framework anchored on the Right to Self Determination context of the Bangsamoro area.
Moreover, the said framework espouses the BDA Core Values as an important ethic in building a new culture and mindset of development among the Bangsamoro communities.
BDA’s role in the formulation of the Bangsamoro Development Plan is in accordance with the signed Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro on October 15, 2012 which states that creation of Transition Commission (TC) will coordinate “development programs in the Bangsamoro communities in conjunction with the MILF Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), the Bangsamoro Leadership Management Institute (BLMI) and other agencies” (Section VII, 4c of the FAB).
DIpatuan also enjoined the Moro National Liberation Front and other stakeholders in the plan formulation.
The donor agencies lauded BDA’s initiative for an inclusive process of BDP formulation and expressed their willingness to share information and lessons gained in their engagement from development works in Southern Philippines.
The development partners signified willingness for continuing dialogue with BDA for the BDP Project and urged the agency to “define areas of collaboration.”
As an immediate output of the activity, the BDA will meet with UN agencies, ADB and other partners who showed interest to be part in the BDP formulation.
The BDP will focus on thematic areas such as: Economy, Social, Politics, Religion, Culture, Environment and Natural Resources, Security and as well as Gender and Children.
The forum participants suggested the inclusion of other important sub-themes that include youth participation, climate change, adult literacy, nutrition among others.
Dipatuan concluded the affair with his remark, “We are at the beginning of an exciting new journey together. History is being made yet once again as we embark on the preparations of the very first Plan for the Bangsamoro.
Undersecretary Jose “Yusof” Lorena from the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) graced the affair. Lorena is in-charge on Bangsamoro Peace and Development program.
BDA determines, leads, and manages, relief, rehabilitation and development projects in conflict affected areas of Mindanao as agreed upon by the Government of the Philippines and MILF in their peace talks in 2002.’-forum-for-“bangsamoro-development-plan”-formulation
International agencies present were the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), European Union (EU), Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), United States Agency for International Aid (USAID), Embassy of Japan, The World Bank, a team from United Nations-Philippines and other institutions.
Present at the forum from the BDA Team were Chairman of the Board of Directors (BoD) Dr. Saffrullah Dipatuan, BoD Member Abdulkadir Abdullah, Executive Director Sheikh Mohamad S. Yacob and Engr. Windel Diangcalan, Program Head of BDP Project.
In his opening remarks, Dipatuan said, “The formulation of a Bangsamoro Comprehensive Development Plan has been a top priority of BDA, as MILF’s development arm, since it was created in 2002 as a product of the GPH-MILF Peace process.”
He added that the creation of BDP has the blessing of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front Chair Al Haj Murad Ibrahim who directed BDA to coordinate with donor and funding partners, to conduct needs assessment in the Bangsamoro immediately, and to expedite the completion of the formulation of the BDP.
Dipatuan related that BDA held series of meetings and worked with eager partners to prepare concept note.
He cited the important inputs contributed by the Members of the BDP Project Steering Committee, BDA Technical Advisers and BDA nominated members of the Advisory Council for the production of Concept Note.
Diangcalan, explained, “Given the gaps in development plans, there is a need for a comprehensive development plan which will provide short term to long-term vision and strategy in the recovery and development of the Bangsamoro areas.”
In a press statement initially released by BDA, the agency said,” The primary thrust of BDP is Peace and Institution Building to create citizens security, social justice and jobs for “Sustainable Human Development (SHD).”
Unlike the usual traditional planning based on concerns by different sectors, BDP will be different, given the conflict situation that has been affecting the Bangsamoro communities.
The formulation of the Plan is guided by the BDA framework of Sustainable Human Development and Peacebuilding, which is a framework anchored on the Right to Self Determination context of the Bangsamoro area.
Moreover, the said framework espouses the BDA Core Values as an important ethic in building a new culture and mindset of development among the Bangsamoro communities.
BDA’s role in the formulation of the Bangsamoro Development Plan is in accordance with the signed Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro on October 15, 2012 which states that creation of Transition Commission (TC) will coordinate “development programs in the Bangsamoro communities in conjunction with the MILF Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), the Bangsamoro Leadership Management Institute (BLMI) and other agencies” (Section VII, 4c of the FAB).
DIpatuan also enjoined the Moro National Liberation Front and other stakeholders in the plan formulation.
The donor agencies lauded BDA’s initiative for an inclusive process of BDP formulation and expressed their willingness to share information and lessons gained in their engagement from development works in Southern Philippines.
The development partners signified willingness for continuing dialogue with BDA for the BDP Project and urged the agency to “define areas of collaboration.”
As an immediate output of the activity, the BDA will meet with UN agencies, ADB and other partners who showed interest to be part in the BDP formulation.
The BDP will focus on thematic areas such as: Economy, Social, Politics, Religion, Culture, Environment and Natural Resources, Security and as well as Gender and Children.
The forum participants suggested the inclusion of other important sub-themes that include youth participation, climate change, adult literacy, nutrition among others.
Dipatuan concluded the affair with his remark, “We are at the beginning of an exciting new journey together. History is being made yet once again as we embark on the preparations of the very first Plan for the Bangsamoro.
Undersecretary Jose “Yusof” Lorena from the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) graced the affair. Lorena is in-charge on Bangsamoro Peace and Development program.
BDA determines, leads, and manages, relief, rehabilitation and development projects in conflict affected areas of Mindanao as agreed upon by the Government of the Philippines and MILF in their peace talks in 2002.’-forum-for-“bangsamoro-development-plan”-formulation